Firefly Frequencies is a radio platform initiated in 2020 by Silvia Maglioni, Graeme Thomson, Nikolay Oleynikov and Alessandra Pomarico, that brings together artists, writers, musicians, filmmakers, theorists and other collaborators from many different countries.

For us radio is first and foremost a place of gathering where many voices can meet, mix, transform. A membrane, a communal body that perpetually reinvents itself through different modalities and temporalities, through the dimensions of creation and care and the shared powers of reception and receptivity.

Our radio is a fugitive dwelling place, a place that focuses powers of deep and affective listening at a time when our body and mind are often fatigued by technologies of connectivity, where the image and its performativity are predominant. A place that asks us to attune ourselves as much to the material body of sound and to the sounds and silences of bodies as to the contents of what they express and transmit. That fosters attentive drift, surprise, immersion, awareness and imaginative flight. A place of transversal co-learning that interweaves music, sound-art, poetry, storytelling, live performance, conversation, cultural and political debate and the construction of alternative knowledges.

Hopefully, this will also be a place where the voice can experiment with different voicings and reconsider its place in relation to other sounds and soundings between the human and the non-human. A place to experiment with modes of radical discovery through listening to different times, spaces and languages, that offers the possibility of travelling beyond borders. A place for healing, for being together with vibrations and silences, the mystery of the invisible, the magic of sonic gifts. A place for solidarity, experimentation, refusal, memory, invention. A place that connects with other spaces and worlds, “where the living can dance with the dead".

Since documenta fifteen, firefly frequencies is part of the LUMBUNG interlocal community and broadcasts on lumbung Radio 4 times a week: Tuesday 9-11 pm, Wednesday 11-12 pm, Thursday 5-7 am, Saturday 2-3 pm (CET).

firefly frequencies is supported by Ecoversities Alliance, Free Home University and Terminal Beach.